New Year’s Resolutions for 2010


Welcome to 2010!  Now that 2009 is in the past, and in the spirit of the new year, we’d like to present our resolutions for 2010.  While losing 20 pounds would be great for us personally, as a company our goals are a little different.

RootsMagic Updates

RootsMagic 4 Insider

When we spent over three years in rewriting RootsMagic 4, we did so with an eye on the future and emerging technologies.  Just as we broke new ground with our Shareable CD’s in version 3 and RootsMagic To-Go in version 4, we’re working on new and unique features to make researching and sharing your family history even easier.  In 2010, watch for regular updates to your software with improvements, fixes, and new features.

One much-requested feature that we’ve already been working on is making RootsMagic available in other languages.  Since RootsMagic 4 is a unicode application (computer jargon for supporting all international character sets), it is able to be translated into any language including Russian, Japanese, and Chinese in addition to western-alphabet languages such as Spanish, German, and Portuguese.  If you’re interested in seeing RootsMagic translated into your native tongue or would like to help with the actual translations, please contact us.

Personal Historian 2

Personal Historian

It’s been a long-time coming but we’re excited to be finishing up the next version of Personal Historian, our software which helps you write and organize personal histories and biographies.  Much of the development work that went into RootsMagic 4 is being transplanted into Personal Historian, giving it improved writing and publishing capabilities, better media management, and an even easier-to-use interface.  Look for previews and announcements in this blog in the coming months.

More Website Improvements

Just as the rewrite of RootsMagic set the stage for many new and exciting features in our software, the redesign of our website in 2009 has set the stage for new methods of interacting with our users via the internet.  Watch for more tutorials and support options coming to our website later this year.

More Awards

Just when we thought we had wrapped up our 2009 Year in Review and the awards we’ve received, one more sneaks in at the last minute.  This one came from the GenSoftReviews website, where people can rate and review their favorite genealogy software products.  We are honored to receive the “Best Liked Genealogy Software 2009” award.  RootsMagic finished 2009 with the highest rating of all genealogy software programs with an average of 4.95 out of 5 stars!


Thank You!

Of course, these resolutions are not a comprehensive list of our plans and goals for 2010.  There are many other projects which are in development in our secret underground laboratories which we’ll talk about when the time is right.  In the meantime, thank you again for your support.  We try very hard to listen to your problems, questions, and suggestions.  If there is something that you’d like to see us do, please contact us and let us know.  Happy New Year and may you have lots of success in 2010 (both genealogically and otherwise)!

7 thoughts to “New Year’s Resolutions for 2010”

  1. Great resolutions! I can’ wait for the new Personal Historian to be ready, but in the meantime, I’m still working actively with the old one.
    Thanks for everything you all do!

  2. I watched the new BYU generations program you are sponsoring. Wow! It was really emotionally profound watching the journey of learning “who you are.”
    Will you be having a booth at the FHExpo in Mesa, AZ on Jan 22,23? Looking forward to meeting you.

  3. I appreciate your sharing of your resolutions. I also appreciate being able to get a free version of RootsMagic4. I plan to purchase and use Personal Historian real soon. I find you to be something Good in the World.
    Keep it going.

  4. I have several family tree programmes and after needing to narrow it down to just one on (needed for searching quickly ) I came out in favour of roots magic. My only real misgivings was that I am not able to link to face on a photo with many people on it. I have several group photo`s where I require just the one person. Maybe a thought for your next upgrade??.

  5. Congratulations on a great product! I was in RootsMagic, updating some Temple data and found 7 possible duplicates for an Ontario ancestor. I switched to newFS to try and do the combining there and they couldn’t find a single duplicate! Thanks to the Personal Identier numbers showing in RootsMagic I was able to confirm that each was a true duplicate, added by extraction, one child at a time. I don’t know why their program couldn’t spot these very obvious duplicates, but am thrilled that RM could!

  6. My wife Carol and I recently went on the Roots Magic cruise in the Caribbean and visited Haiti, Jamaica, Grand Cayman and Mexico. It was a great and enjoyable experience. While at sea we had lectures and discussions with Bruce Busby and 4 professional genealogists. We certainly learned a lot about the software and researching our genealogical roots.
    Our knowledge of the software increased greatly and I will use some of the information at our Cincinnati/Dayton users group meeting later today. There is certainly a lot to show and tell!

    Lee Cole

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