We are thrilled to announce the official release of RootsMagic 9, the latest version of the award-winning genealogy software, which makes researching, organizing, and sharing your family history easy and enjoyable. With the release comes an update to the free “RootsMagic Essentials” product and a limited-time discount offer for both new and existing users.
NOTE: The limited-time discount has expired since the publication of this article.
Impressive New Features
RootsMagic 9 includes exciting new features that will help you to discover more about your family history.
- With our innovative new “Associations” feature, you can track more than just family relationships. This powerful tool lets you record friends, associates, neighbors, enslavements, and more, giving you a more complete picture of your ancestors and their connections.
- Enhanced color coding with multiple color code sets and color labeling makes it easier to identify different branches of your family tree and see relationships at a glance.
- With the ability to save and reuse search criteria and task filters, you can quickly access frequently used searches and save time on your research.
- RootsMagic 9 also includes powerful new database tools, which can help you to identify and correct errors in your family tree data. This can lead to a more accurate family tree and more informed research.
- The RootsMagic 9 note editor has been completely rewritten to be more responsive and now includes spell-checking.
- For Windows users, RootsMagic 9 is now available in 32-bit and 64-bit formats.
- And RootsMagic 9 includes dozens of new features designed to make working with your data faster, easier, and more enjoyable.
New Book
We’re also excited to announce the return of our “Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic” book, written especially for RootsMagic 9.
Many people barely touch the tip of the iceberg of RootsMagic’s features. If you are one of these people, “Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic 9” is the book for you. You start with basic data entry and continue by learning advanced techniques such as custom reports, citing sources, research tasks, creating user-defined facts, powerful tools, and much more.
“Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic 9” is available for $19.95 and is printed and shipped by Amazon.com.
New Videos
To help users become familiar with the new version and features, we’ve created a new set of free tutorial videos, including “Getting Started with RootsMagic,” “What’s New in RootsMagic 9,” and shorter videos showing individual features in more depth.
Free “RootsMagic Essentials”
RootsMagic 9 is also available in an updated, free edition named “RootsMagic 9 Essentials”. RootsMagic Essentials is available for both Windows and macOS and contains many core features from the RootsMagic software. The two products are fully compatible with one another.
Many people are curious about their family history and don’t know where to begin. RootsMagic Essentials is the perfect way for someone to get started risk-free. It’s available for download at https://rootsmagic.com/try.
Discount Offer

RootsMagic 9 is normally available for only $39.95. Existing RootsMagic and Family Origins users may upgrade for only $29.95.
But for a very limited time, RootsMagic is offering RootsMagic 9 at the special price of $20. Until Friday, March 10th, 2023 at 11:59PM Mountain time, any customer may purchase RootsMagic at this special $20 price. After March 10, RootsMagic 9 will return to its regular price, with the standard discount for upgrades.
Join the thousands of family historians who trust RootsMagic as the place to plant their family tree and get RootsMagic 9 today!
Great new features and changes. The association tab is a wonderful idea as well as the saved criteria for groups. Makes working with big databases a lot easier.
I hope this will finally be the version of RootsMagic that will work correctly with the international Microsoft Windows version regarding geocoding places.
Sadly the other long time problem seems not to have been solved as seen in the video with the strictly alphabetical sorting of e.g. sources details (pg 106 comes before pg 86 and pg 87).
It says “For Windows users, RootsMagic 9 is now available in 32-bit and 64-bit formats” but when I want to order I don’t get to choose between 32 and 64 bits, so how do I get the 64 bits version?
Reply: The option to select 32-bit or 64-bit is on the download page.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
Do I need to have Roots Magic 8 to dowload Roots Magic 9? I only have Roots Magic 7.
Reply: You can make the jump from RM7 to RM9. Make sure to select the import option.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
I am so excited to be working with the Association feature and the new color coding!
Wow!! What a surprise email this morning. I didn’t have any idea that RM9 was in the wind. I’m still coming to grips with v8.
I’ve just installed and registered it and ordered the book. Can’t wait to investigate it. Maybe watch the video first 🙂
Wish the new book were also available in Kindle format, as we are trying to downsize our physical library of books as we age, and prefer the searchability of Ebooks over printed books now.
Eleven days ago I purchased an upgrade to RootsMagic 8. Now I have to spend at least $20 by March 6 to get RootsMagic 9. That’s $50 total. I AM REALLY ANNOYED. I think anyone that has very recently purchased RootsMagic 8 should be given a free upgrade to RootsMagic 9.
Reply: Check your email. We sent out free RM9 keys to users that purchased and registered RM8 on/after Jan 1, 2023.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
I finally starting consistently using my Roots Magic 8 And I now wonder why i didnt all the time
I purchased RM 9 today , is there a PDF version of the book available .
Great upgrade. Love the new features. I have been with Roots Magic Team for 0ver 54 years. Love the loyalty price discount Thanks for the You-tube videos as well.
I love RootsMagic and have used it for many years. But somehow my last version, RootsMagic 7, disappeared when I updated my computer and owing to health issues, and time away from my computer I never realized. Today, I went to see if I could find my previous registration and lo and behold, there’s a new RootsMagic! I downloaded it immediately and have my husband looking at ordering a copy for himself.
Now that I’ve updated to version 9 can I delete or uninstall version 7.exe and 8.exe? That would free up some hard drive space…
Reply: Yes, you can uninstall the programs. Just save your database files and backups for future reference.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
I’ve been using the free version of Roots Magic for many years. With version 9 I now intend to purchase the licence.
When it came to payment, the process failed twice.
Reply: If you continue to have an issue with purchasing email sales@rootsmagic.com and they can assist you.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
I was surprised to see the announcement of RootsMagic 9. I have enjoyed using RootsMagic for several years. I downloaded the new upgrade and have not had any problems. I look forward to discovering all the new features. Bruce and company, keep up the good work. Bravo!
Very excited to work with RM9. As an *OLD* Family Origins user, and one who was one of the first to transition to RootsMagic when it was first introduced, this is exciting to see the latest and greatest. Literally, I had no idea. But then, when we got to RM8.5, I should have suspected that something was in the works ☺ But, it’s also just in time for RootsTech 2023 which should be a win all the way around.
I watched the original video also, and I’m thrilled to see that the subsets are already being created and posted. THANKS!!
Fortunately, the learning curve from RM8 to RM9 does not look insurmountable. In fact, I have already found it seamless, so thanks.
And echoing James Strasma’s comment, getting the book as an e-book would be nice. I use a tablet for Kindle, Nook, and other format e-books, and am divesting myself of my physical library. It would be nice to have this in an e-format.
I just purchased and registered on February 14, 2023. Checked my version just now and it says 8.5. Checked my email for a RM9 key and found nothing. Is there a way for me to obtain said key now?
Reply: Check your spam filter, because we did send out an email with your free RM9 key. I will have sales resend it to you.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
How do I determine whether to get 32 or 64 bit version.
Reply: The 32-bit version of RootsMagic runs fine either 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows. Unless you are certain you need to use the 64-bit version of RootsMagic, we recommend you download and use the 32-bit version.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
I’m so in love with this. You did a great job!!
The feature list needs to be updated from Ver 8 to Ver9 on the heading of the table.
I need to know whether or not the new version 9 Roots Magic is also available for Apple Mac 64 bit computers???
Reply: Yes, RM9 will work with macOS Sierra (10.12), High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15), Big Sur (11), Monterey (12), or Ventura (13), which included 64-bit Macs.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
Import from RM Ver 7 worked fine. However, the menu for import from my Ver 8 data does not list Ver 8 and it did not offer a solution.
Reply: RM8 and RM9 use the same file extension .rmtree. Open the RM8 database inside of RM9 and the database will be converted to the new file format. Once the database is opened in RM9 it will no longer open in RM8. It’s best to make a backup of your RM8 database before it is converted.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
How many computers can I load this onto with the purchase of RM9? I currently have it on my desktop and laptop, but would hate to have to buy it twice.
Reply: The RM license is a household license. You can can install it on all your computers. Just use the same registration information.
Renee, RootsMagic
I have repeatedly tried to order RM9 with the 50% discount, but I am never allowed to complete the transaction. I have filled out the form, including the state, but when I click to complete the order my state is deleted and I am instructed to select my state.
Reply: Please contact Sales@rootsmagic.com for them to process your order.
Renee, RootsMagic, Inc.
Just missed it. I haven’t been on RM for a couple of weeks (working on some other projects) and just saw this announcement at midnight Pacific time. Oh well. I will download the new version in the morning
I had just checked for updates a few days ago, and ver. 9 did not show up, then I was busy. Today I started using RM8 and low and behold, there was the dot on news, and RM9. And it says 7 days ago! Guess my windows update last week and then checking for RM updates after doing the windows updates, did not have the news of RM9 show up on the ol’ computer then …. but it was there today (just like you Steve)! One of the quicker online purchases made.
I just downloaded RM 9 and it looks great. Ordered the book from Amazon as I like an actual text. I will explore and learn to use RM 9.
BUT, until there is a way to synchronize with my iPad it is useless for me, I will continue to use RM 7 as my standard database.
Please make that your next priority.
Stuck at home on the main computer, it’s immobile and not very handy for research.
I have been trying out the new version and like some of the extra things it can do, such as, the Fan Chart for the family. I was excited that you could make an HTML site with it again, 8 did not do that, 7 did. I was not as impressed with the site though. In 7 it would make a tree line you could follow. This one seems to only liste the names but no tree line to follow. I miss that with it.
I should have started a program like this a long time ago.