Updates Available for RootsMagic, Personal Historian, and Family Atlas

New RootsMagic Update Available

We have just released a new update to RootsMagic 4 (version  This update is primarily a bug fix update, although there are a couple of new items.

If you have the RootsMagic News screen come up when you start RootsMagic, it may have already notified you of this update.  If not, you can do “Help > Check for Updates” from the RootsMagic menu to download and install this update.

You can also download the update from http://www.rootsmagic.com/download.

Here are the new, fixed, and updated items in this update:


– Children in narrative reports that are in the next generation now print birth, marr, and death info in the child list
– Added “Search > Move to primary position” to move the highlighted person (really only useful in pedigree and descendant views)
– Added a button to FamilySearch match and sync screen to view the person on the FamilySearch website
– Added birth year to FamilySearch sync screen for relationships (both RM and FS sides)
– Added FamilySearch import to import a tree from New FamilySearch into an RM file (File > FamilySearch > FamilySearch Import)
– Added Remove to the FamilySearch ordinance request screen to unreserve names


– Color coding now works on Timeline Chart
– Spaces are trimmed from name parts when adding a new person
– If short footnote is left blank, RM will use the full citation in its place
– Changed default for color coding to “Highlighted person”
– Box charts in wordwrap mode don’t sometimes truncate a person’s info anymore
– RM warns you when you try to print a group sheet that would be blank
– GEDCOM import doesn’t sometimes duplicate city/state/postal code in second street field anymore
– Drag and drop doesn’t create a blank death fact for people who had their “Living” flag unchecked
– Disputed or disproven alt names now display red crossout
– Fixed several screens / reports where an “unknown spouse” could have phantom events
– GEDCOM import / export now supports “proof” settings
– Drag and drop now preserves “proof” settings
– Added person’s name to title of Individual Timeline list
– Source list prints a person’s suffix for citations
– Changing title of descendant list holds now
– NFS sync screen name matching color coding works properly now
– PAF import handles user defined divorce events now
– When running RM from a flash drive, File > New now defaults to a folder on the flash drive
– NFS Sync options list repositions if necessary to remain completely on screen
– Group sheet doesn’t display wrong Seal to Spouse info when a person wasn’t married
– Submitted ordinances in group sheet print as “Submitted” instead of date to prevent confusion
– Submitted ordinances in NFS sync screen display as “Submitted” instead of date to prevent confusion
– Fixed several issues when printing FORs from NFS
– NFS Match and Sync only shows primary names in list (doesn’t list people multiple times in list anymore)
– Description field in events now transfers back and forth from NFS

New Family Atlas and Personal Historian Updates Available

We have also just released updates to our Personal Historian and Family Atlas programs to provide support for importing the new RootsMagic 4 files.  These are free updates for registered users of Personal Historian and Family Atlas.

To download the update for Personal Historian, go to:


To download the update for Family Atlas, go to:


13 thoughts to “Updates Available for RootsMagic, Personal Historian, and Family Atlas”

  1. Please consider this for a future release. In the Family Group Sheet report, I would like to have the option to NOT start the sources on a new page. This used to be an option in Famliy Origins. I print out the Family Group Sheets and keep them in a binder to reference and having the sources start on a new page just seems to waste a lot of paper for me.

    Thanks for the consideration. I think Roots Magic is a great application. I’ve been a Family Origins user for years and of course now use Roots Magic.


  2. Many years ago,in the old “Generations Family Tree” program, distributed by S & N in the

    UK, an add-on was available, to add the British Royal Family Timeline to the user’s own timeline. This enabled the user to compare their ancestors’ life-span with the current monarch. If an add-on could be designed, this could also be used in conjunction with U.S.Presidents.
    I know “Generation” users found it of great interest.

  3. Thanks SO much for the button “show on family search” on the RM screen. It has been tedious going from RM to FS and finding the person we are working with. Now we can do it with one click of the mouse. It is exciting to see what you have done in a short amount of time to make our research faster and fun. Stan and Carol DeAdder

  4. The “Bar” is now raised to a impossible elevation for others to try and match.
    Thank you!

  5. I don’t know if it is possible now, but I would like to be able to drag and drop from one open file to another open file. My wife’s family information has a lot of the same information as mine and some of it is not current or missing.

  6. Mon., 24 Aug 2009
    I have just updated my Version 4.0 (via CD) with Do I still need to update with 4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4? Or does the included all the previous updates.
    Having fun with genealogy, Walt

  7. I don’t get it. My current version of Roots Magic is I get a newsletter saying there is a version that I can download. I click on the link and it takes me to a screen says current version is version ??? and nowhere do I found a download button for either o4

  8. Randy-

    Sources can be printed starting at the end of the Family Group Sheet. When you get to the Settings page, click on Sources. There you will see an option to start footnotes at the end of each page. Although this is not exactly what I think you want, since it does not print all as endnotes, it does make the printout more compact.

  9. I would like to see some type of Undo button so one can Undo a mistake. When I do a Cut and Paste some times I’ll hit a Control V instead of Control C and change that field by mistake.

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