The Road to RootsMagic 8: More to Preview

We’ve been so busy working on RootsMagic 8 that we’ve neglected to post any updates on our progress over the last few weeks. While we’ve been sharing videos and tidbits via email and social media, we realized that we needed to pull these recent updates into one place to better communicate with all of our users.

The Testing Continues

We have many users who have been using RootsMagic 8, reporting bugs, and giving suggestions. In order to start testing the software, a user first agrees not to disclose to others about their experience or even that they are a tester. So for those that aren’t testing, it feels like everything is very quiet in regards to RootsMagic 8 while those that are testing are actually very busy and active. We gradually add more users to our testing pool so as not to overwhelm the process. Many of you have already volunteered to test the software and- if you aren’t already doing so- we hope to give you the opportunity soon.

Video Previews Galore

We’ve also been posting video previews of RootsMagic 8 onto our YouTube Channel. If by chance, you’ve missed them- then you’ll definitely want to check these out:

RootsMagic 8 Preview – People Page

RootsMagic 8: Work-in-Progress Preview

RootsMagic 8 Preview – Mapping

RootsMagic 8 Preview – Edit Screen

And our latest video:
RootsMagic 8 Preview – Reports, Charts, Publish & Search

We hope you enjoy these video previews of what is to come in RootsMagic 8. Thank you for your patience as we work hard with our testers to make this our best version of RootsMagic yet.

RootsMagic 7 Now Available for macOS 10.15 (Catalina)


We are pleased to announce that RootsMagic 7 is now available for Apple computers running macOS 10.15 Catalina. When Catalina was released last October, it required all applications to be 64-bit applications. This, unfortunately, broke the wrapper that allowed RootsMagic to run on macOS. While users with previous version of macOS could still use RootsMagic, users who had upgraded to Catalina found that RootsMagic (and many other software applications) stopped working.

After much work and testing, the wrapper for RootsMagic 7 has been updated to 64-bit that allows it to run on Catalina, as well as prior versions of macOS.

Users who installed a previous version of RootsMagic 7 on their Mac should uninstall RootsMagic before installing the new wrapper. Full instructions are found here.

Those users that are installing RootsMagic 7 on their Mac for the first time may download it here.

RootsMagic 8

In addition to the updated wrapper for RootsMagic 7, we are hard at work finishing up RootsMagic 8.  Version 8 is a fully-native, 64-bit macOS application and runs great on macOS Catalina. Keep watching for more news about RootsMagic 8.

RootsTech 2020: Classes and Discounts (and Something for Those at Home, too)


This is the 10th anniversary of the largest genealogy conference in the world- RootsTech! It’s being held Wednesday, February 26 through Saturday, Febuary 29, 2020, at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah. We’ve been there from the beginning and we’re pleased to again sponsor this event in 2020. If you’re coming in person, we hope you’ll join us for our special in-booth demonstrations of RootsMagic 8.

Expo Hall

Don’t miss the expo hall with the largest gathering of genealogy products and services in the country. Be sure to visit the RootsMagic booth to meet the RootsMagic staff, ask questions, and get special discounts on RootsMagic products.

View a Map of the Expo Hall

Expo Hall hours (subject to change) are:

  • Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 5:30 pm – 8 pm
  • Thursday, February 27, 2020, 10 am – 7 pm
  • Friday, February 28, 2020, 10 am – 7 pm
  • Saturday, February 29, 2020, 9 am – 3 pm

And while you’re there, be sure to preview our latest creation- RootsMagic 8!

RootsMagic 8 Demonstrations


Stop by our booth to see special 20-minute demonstrations previewing features of our amazing new release- RootsMagic 8 (coming soon)!


6:00-6:20 pm – Introduction to RootsMagic 8
6:30-6:50 pm – Using the New Home & File Views in RootsMagic 8
7:00-7:20 pm – Exploring People, Families, and Trees in RootsMagic 8
7:30-7:50 pm – Adding and Editing Data in RootsMagic 8


10:35-10:55 am – Places and Mapping in RootsMagic 8
4:05-4:25 pm – Sources and Documention in RootsMagic 8
5:35-5:55 pm – Media and Pictures in RootsMagic 8
6:00-6:20 pm – Tasks: Planning Your Research in RootsMagic 8
6:30-6:50 pm – Addresses and Contacts in RootsMagic 8


10:35-10:55 am  – Easily Find Anything in RootsMagic 8
12:05-12:25 pm –  Working with Ancestry and RootsMagic 8
12:30-12:50 pm – Working with FamilySearch and RootsMagic 8
1:00-1:20 pm – Customizing Settings in RootsMagic 8
2:40-2:55 pm – What’s New in RootsMagic 8 (held in the RootsTech Demo Theater)
4:05-4:25 pm – Exploring People, Families, and Trees in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
5:35-5:55 pm – Adding and Editing Data in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
6:00-6:20 pm –  Places and Mapping in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
6:30-6:50 pm –  Sources and Documention in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)


9:05-9:25 am – Media and Pictures in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
10:35-10:55 am – Tasks: Planning Your Research in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
12:05-12:25 pm – Easily Find Anything in RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
12:30-12:50 pm – Working with Ancestry and RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)
1:00-1:20 pm – Working with FamilySearch and RootsMagic 8 (Repeat)

Special RootsTech Offer (In Person and Online)

At our booth, take advantage of our special conference pricing. You’ll get RootsMagic 7 and Getting the Most Out of RootsMagic 7 eBook (a $45 value) for only $20! Plus, you will receive a free download of RootsMagic 8 when it is released. This means that you can reserve a future copy of Version 8 at today’s lower Version 7 price!

For those of you that can’t make it to RootsTech this year, you can get the same conference special by visiting The offer is only available through Wednesday, March 4, 2020.

See You There!

As you can guess, we’ve been very busy working on RootsMagic 8 and getting ready for RootsTech. We’re excited to show you what we’ve been up to and to meet with so many of you in person. For those of you fortunate enough to be able to attend RootsTech, we look forward to seeing you. And if you’re not going to be able to join us there, be sure to take advantage of the special offer at

The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 6): Multiple Files and Screens

The next features that we want to preview in RootsMagic 8 are improvements in working with multiple files, screens, and even computer monitors.

One feature in previous versions of RootsMagic that our users have loved is the ability to have more than one file open at a time. You can simply open each file and work on either or both at the same time.  You can even drag-and-drop people and whole branches from one tree to another with the click of a mouse.RM8-Multiples-01

Before RootsMagic 8, this feature used a system called “Multiple Document Interface” or “MDI” for short.  In MDI, you have smaller “child windows,” which are contained within the main application window. This worked great in the days when people only had a single computer monitor. But today, if you have more than one monitor, it is challenging to get RootsMagic 7 to place each file in its own screen.

In RootsMagic 8, each RootsMagic file lives in its own separate window. This allows you to “stretch out” and separate them, even with multiple monitors.


And yes, you can still “drag-and-drop” people, families, and branches from one file to another, even across different computer monitors!

Note: Eagle-eyed readers may notice that a person’s edit screen can be used at the same time as the RootsMagic main screen. The edit screen no longer blocks access to the main screen. There is also more than one person edit screen open at the same time. But we’ll discuss these new features in a future article.

And to help keep things straight while working with multiple files, you can assign a color to each one. This color lets you more easily keep track of while file you are looking at and working with.


And here are the colors in action:

That’s it for today’s preview. There’s much more to come!

Important Information about macOS 10.15 (Catalina)


Apple has been busy working on the next version of the desktop operating system, macOS 10.15, also known as “Catalina.” While there have been several delays, Apple has said they expect it to be released this month (October 2019). While there are several new features and changes, one change, in particular, affects RootsMagic users: Catalina requires all applications to be 64-bit applications.

RootsMagic 7

RootsMagic 7 runs on macOS, although it is not a “native” application. It runs using a “wrapper” that is provided by CodeWeavers, makers of the popular CrossOver software that allows Windows applications to run on a Mac. This wrapper made by CodeWeavers is a 32-bit application and does not run on Catalina.  CodeWeavers has been working for quite some time updating their software to be a 64-bit application so that it can run on Catalina and future versions of macOS. While they’ve made great progress, some last-minute problems in Catalina itself have caused delays. Unfortunately, their wrapper will not likely be available in time for Catalina’s release. This means that RootsMagic 7 for Mac will not be able to run on macOS Catalina until CodeWeavers finishes their update to a 64-bit application.

RootsMagic 8

First, the good news- RootsMagic 8 is a fully-native, 64-bit macOS application and runs great on macOS Catalina. The bad news? It’s still in testing, and likely won’t be officially released before MacOS Catalina is released.

Other Applications

RootsMagic is not the only application that will stop running under Catalina. If you want to see what other apps you have that will be affected:

  1. Click the Apple icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  2. Click About this Mac.
  3. Click System Report…
  4. From the list on the left, select Software then Applications.
  5. Click 64-Bit (Intel) on the right side of the list’s header. This sorts the applications by 32/64 bits.
  6. Any applications that have “No” are 32-bit and will not run under Catalina.

Our Recommendation

As much as we hate to say this- we recommend that if you need to be able to run RootsMagic 7 on your Mac, do not update to macOS Catalina. Wait until CodeWeavers finishes their 64-bit wrapper for RootsMagic 7 or for the official release of RootsMagic 8. For most users, there is no urgent need to install Catalina as previous versions of the operating system will continue to work and be supported for quite some time.

In the meantime, CodeWeavers is doing all that they can to update their wrapper as quickly as possible, while we continue to work night-and-day to finish RootsMagic 8 for you. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 5): Files

In today’s preview of RootsMagic 8, we’re going to look at files and the new “File view” found on the Navigation bar.


First of all, version 8 will carry over all of your work from previous versions of RootsMagic. Slight upgrades will be made to the file to support the new features in RootsMagic 8, similar to how RootsMagic 7 upgraded files from previous versions. Also, the format is identical whether you are using Mac or Windows- so you can use the same file on either operating system.

Judging from our support requests, we know many of you struggle with working with and organizing your files. Fortunately, the File view makes it easy to create, find, and open your RootsMagic files in a single screen which guides you step-by-step through your options.


For example, to create a file, you just click Create a New RootsMagic file, then choose from an Empty File, Import from Another Program, or Download from an Online Tree. Choose a filename and additional options, and voila! Your new file is ready.

And the days of misplacing your files are over! When the File view needs you to select a file, it presents a list of recently-used files. It also automatically searches your computer for more files, adding them to the list as it finds them.


If you have a RootsMagic file open, the File view presents additional options including Importing, Exporting, Closing, and Tools for working with the file.


Clicking on Tools gives you all of your favorites, including Backup, Rename, Copy, Delete, Compare, and the assorted Database tools.


So there you have it. The new File view in RootsMagic 8 makes it easy to organize your files and will save you a lot of time and headache in working with them.

Next: Multiple Files and Screens

The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 4): Home

Today, we’ll look at the “Home” view from our upcoming RootsMagic 8. This is the first view that you’ll find in the Navigation bar on the left.


Note: Eagle-eyed readers will notice that this was called the “Dashboard” view in previous blog articles. The actual label for this view has gone through some changes throughout the development process. Remember, the screens and features that we’re showcasing are still being tested and refined and could go through additional changes before version 8 is officially released.

The Home view shows the latest news and announcements from RootsMagic, links to our various help and support channels, as well as the ability to detect, download, and install updates to the software. New updates and unread news items are highlighted with a star.

If you haven’t opened a RootsMagic file, the Home view presents a list of recent RootsMagic files that can be opened or the option to create a new file.


If you do have an open RootsMagic file, the Home view displays information about the current file, similar to the “Database Properties” in previous versions.

In short, the Home view is a friendly starting point for new users as well as a way to communicate and interact with more experienced users.

Update: We’ve had several questions about if you can bypass the Home view when you start RootsMagic. Just as you could in previous versions, you can set RootsMagic to start on other views when you open your file. You can also tell it to automatically open the last file you worked on, when you start the software.

Next: Files

The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 3): Getting Around

In today’s look at the upcoming RootsMagic 8, we’ll look at the main screen. Specifically, the gray navigation bar found on the left side.


As mentioned before, in designing RootsMagic 8, we wanted to make the software even easier-to-use. We started by looking at questions asked by our users through our technical support, Facebook group, and other means of contact. We looked for patterns and common problems and issues that users had.

We were surprised at how many “How do I find…” questions there were. Even more surprising was how many feature requests we had for features which were already in the software- they were just hidden behind several screens and menus. We knew that version 8 needed to better help users find their information and use its many features.

We then listed all the different features and, after studying the best user-interface practices, were able to group all the elements into a few distinct categories. These formed the basis for the new “Navigation Bar.”


The Navigation Bar has 11 items: File, Dashboard, People, Places, Sources, Media, Tasks, Addresses, Search, Publish, and Settings. All information and features can be quickly accessed from the corresponding area on the Navigation Bar.

And once you are comfortable with it, you can also collapse the Navigation Bar to show only the icons, giving you more space to do your work.

In our next installments, we’ll look at each of these 11 items in more detail so stay tuned!

Next: Home


The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 2): FAQ about the Upgrade


Last week, we gave you a first look at RootsMagic 8. While we’re itching to start showing you more details and features, last week’s article prompted many questions about RootsMagic and the upgrade process. We felt it would be helpful to answer some of the questions for you before showing you more features. So without any further ado, here they are:

I already own RootsMagic 7 (or 6, or 5, or 4, etc.). Will I need to buy RootsMagic 8 when it comes out?

Yes, but at a discounted price. Our policy has always been to make updates free. That is, going from 7.0 to 7.1, to 7.2, to 7.3, etc. We put those out regularly to fix bugs, update API’s, and to even add new features (Our TreeShare for Ancestry was a free new feature in 7.5).

Major upgrades, such as going from 7.0 to 8.0, do require a purchase. However, we always offer a significant discount to those upgrading from previous versions. For example, to upgrade from any prior version of RootsMagic to version 7 has been $19.95 where the full price of the software is $29.95.

Do I have to upgrade to RootsMagic 8?

Not at all. If the new features and functionality in RootsMagic 8 appeal to you, we’d love for you to upgrade. If you decide to stick with your current version of RootsMagic, your software will continue running just as it has. It will simply not have any more updates as our development work has moved on to the next version.

How much will RootsMagic 8 cost?

Version 8 will have a modest price increase from earlier versions. While we haven’t announced the actual pricing for RootsMagic 8, it will be more than version 7. RootsMagic 8 will have a discount for users of previous versions upgrading to it, but this will be modestly higher than the current $19.95 upgrade price for version 7.

So if I buy RootsMagic 7 now, I get RootsMagic 8 for free?

Yes. We have always had an “upgrade protection guarantee.” If you buy our software and a newer version comes out soon afterward, you get the newer version for free. I’ve personally spent a sizable sum of money on software only to have a new version come out the very next day. That company’s response was, “You’re out of luck.” We love our users too much to do that.

If you buy RootsMagic 7 now through our website (either the full version or upgrade), you will receive an email with your key for RootsMagic 7. You’ll also immediately receive a key for RootsMagic 8. Just hold onto that key until you get word that RootsMagic 8 has been officially released. This means that you are essentially getting a free RootsMagic 8 at today’s RootsMagic 7 prices.


I already have RootsMagic 7. Can I still get a free RootsMagic 8?

Yes. Even if you already have RootsMagic 7, you are welcome to purchase another copy of RootsMagic 7 (even at the $19.95 upgrade price), and you will get your key for RootsMagic 8.

Wait- you want me to pay money now for a future RootsMagic that I may not even like? Is this some tricky money grab?

You would indeed be getting an upgrade to Version 8 that you don’t (yet) know much about. (But, really- we think you’ll love it) But this is definitely not a money grab. In fact, we are losing money by giving away RootsMagic 8 upgrades at the lower price. So why are we doing this?

We haven’t raised our software price in the nearly 20 years that RootsMagic has been available. All-around costs have risen in those years, and we need to follow suit. However, we also know that we have many users that live on fixed-incomes. We didn’t want to surprise everyone with the price increase without giving a heads-up and giving our users a chance to make appropriate plans.

Combine this with the upgrade protection guarantee, and the “Buy RootsMagic 7 now, get RootsMagic 8 free” policy is the natural result. It’s only us trying to do right by our users.

I’ve placed my order and received my RootsMagic 8 key. What do I do now?

Just hold on to that key and patiently wait for the official release. You could also sign up to become a tester at


More Previews to Come

Hopefully, we’ve answered some of those burning questions that many of you have had about the upgrade process to version 8.  And watch this blog for regular articles describing the fantastic new features in RootsMagic 8!

Next: The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 3): Getting Around




The Road to RootsMagic 8 (Part 1): Easier than Ever

RootsMagic users have been patiently (and sometimes impatiently) awaiting news of our latest version- RootsMagic 8. While we aren’t quite ready for an official release, we want to start pulling back the curtain and share some of version 8’s exciting new features.

First of all, we know that this release has been a long-time coming. But we haven’t been sitting around, resting on our laurels. We’ve been rethinking, redesigning, and rebuilding the interface to address the most common questions and problems our users have shared with us. Our focus has been on these main ideas:


  • Make the software easier-to-use. Fewer screens, fewer clicks, and less hunting around to find what you’re looking for and to do what you want to do.
  • Take advantage of more modern computers, operating systems, and devices. Technology has changed a lot in the 30 years that we’ve been making software. RootsMagic 8 supports better graphics, touch-screens, faster processors, and high-resolution displays. This ensures that RootsMagic will be useful and relevant for years to come.

And of course, there is “one more thing” that should make our fans of “fruit” happy:


And yes- your RootsMagic 8 license covers both the Windows and Mac versions!

How Do I Get RootsMagic 8?

While RootsMagic 8 is not yet available for purchase, every copy of RootsMagic 7 now comes with a free registration key for RootsMagic 8. Just a heads up- there will be a modest price increase for version 8. But you can buy RootsMagic 7 now (even if you already have it) and get your RootsMagic 8 at today’s lower prices!


Can I Be a Tester for RootsMagic 8?

Currently, Version 8 is being tested by a dedicated group of testers. As it becomes more stable, we gradually expand this group until we feel it is ready for official release. If you love trying out new things and are patient enough to work with us through the process of finding and fixing quirks and problems, we’d love to have you as a tester. To sign up, just fill out the form at Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us right away as we add testers over time.


More Previews to Come

Watch this blog for regular articles describing more amazing new features in RootsMagic 8. Thanks to you, our users, for your support and feedback. We are very excited for this release and can’t wait to show you more!